Unique identifier for lending desks
uint256 public lendingDeskIdCounter;
Unique identifier for loans
uint256 public loanIdCounter;
Mapping to store lending desks
mapping(uint256 => LendingDesk) public lendingDesks;
Mapping to store loan configs of lending desks
mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => LoanConfig)) public lendingDeskLoanConfigs;
Mapping to store loans
mapping(uint256 => Loan) public loans;
The address of the ERC721 to generate obligation notes for borrowers
address public immutable obligationNotes;
The address of the lending desk ownership ERC721
address public immutable lendingKeys;
The basis points of fees that the borrower will pay for each loan
uint256 public loanOriginationFee;
The address of the platform wallet
address public platformWallet;
address _obligationNotes,
address _lendingKeys,
uint256 _loanOriginationFee,
address _platformWallet,
address _initialOwner
Creates a new lending desk
Emits an {NewLendingDeskInitialized} event.
function initializeNewLendingDesk(address _erc20, uint256 _depositAmount, LoanConfig[] calldata _loanConfigs)
Creates a new lending configuration
Emits an {LendingDeskLoanConfigsSet} event.
function setLendingDeskLoanConfigs(uint256 _lendingDeskId, LoanConfig[] calldata _loanConfigs) public whenNotPaused;
function _setLendingDeskLoanConfigs(uint256 _lendingDeskId, LoanConfig[] calldata _loanConfigs) internal;
Removes a new lending configuration
Emits an {LendingDeskLoanConfigsSet} event.
function removeLendingDeskLoanConfig(uint256 _lendingDeskId, address _nftCollection) external whenNotPaused;
This function is called to add liquidity to a lending desk
Emits an {LendingDeskLiquidityDeposited} event.
function depositLendingDeskLiquidity(uint256 _lendingDeskId, uint256 _amount) public whenNotPaused;
function _depositLendingDeskLiquidity(uint256 _lendingDeskId, uint256 _amount) internal;
This function is called to cash out a lending desk
Emits an {LendingDeskLiquidityWithdrawn} event.
function withdrawLendingDeskLiquidity(uint256 _lendingDeskId, uint256 _amount) external;
This function can be called by the lending desk owner in order to freeze it
Emits an {LendingDeskStateSet} event.
function setLendingDeskState(uint256 _lendingDeskId, bool _freeze) external whenNotPaused;
This function can be called by a borrower to create a loan
Emits an {NewLoanInitialized} event
function initializeNewLoan(
uint64 _lendingDeskId,
address _nftCollection,
uint64 _nftId,
uint32 _duration,
uint256 _amount,
uint32 _maxInterestAllowed
) external whenNotPaused;
This function can be called by anyone to get the remaining due amount of a loan
function getLoanAmountDue(uint256 _loanId) public view returns (uint256 amount);
This function can be called by the obligation note holder to pay a loan and get the collateral back
Emits an {LoanPaymentMade} event.
function makeLoanPayment(uint256 _loanId, uint256 _amount, bool _resolve) external;
This function is called by the lending desk key owner in order to liquidate a loan and claim the NFT collateral
Emits an {LiquidatedOverdueLoan} event.
function liquidateDefaultedLoan(uint256 _loanId) external;
Allows the admin of the contract to modify loan origination fee.
Emits an {LoanOriginationFeeSet} event.
function setLoanOriginationFee(uint256 _loanOriginationFee) public onlyOwner;
Allows the admin of the contract to set the platform wallet where platform fees will be sent to
Emits an {PlatformWalletSet} event.
function setPlatformWallet(address _platformWallet) public onlyOwner;
Allows the admin of the contract to pause the contract as an emergency response.
Emits either a {Paused} or {Unpaused} event.
function setPaused(bool _paused) external onlyOwner;
Event that will be emitted every time a lending desk is created
event NewLendingDeskInitialized(
uint256 lendingDeskId, address owner, address erc20, uint256 initialBalance, LoanConfig[] loanConfigs
Event that will be emitted every time a lending desk config is created
event LendingDeskLoanConfigsSet(uint256 lendingDeskId, LoanConfig[] loanConfigs);
Event that will be emitted every time a lending desk config is removed
event LendingDeskLoanConfigRemoved(uint256 lendingDeskId, address nftCollection);
Event that will be emitted every time liquidity is added to a lending desk
event LendingDeskLiquidityDeposited(uint256 lendingDeskId, uint256 amountDeposited);
Event that will be emitted every time there is a cash out on a lending desk
event LendingDeskLiquidityWithdrawn(uint256 lendingDeskId, uint256 amountWithdrawn);
Event that will be emitted every time a lending desk is frozen// unfrozen
event LendingDeskStateSet(uint256 lendingDeskId, bool freeze);
Event that will be emitted every time a new offer is accepted
event NewLoanInitialized(
uint256 lendingDeskId,
uint256 loanId,
address borrower,
address nftCollection,
uint256 nftId,
uint256 amount,
uint256 duration,
uint256 interest,
uint256 platformFee
Event that will be emitted every time a borrower pays back a loan
event LoanPaymentMade(uint256 loanId, uint256 amountPaid, bool resolved);
Event that will be emitted every time a loan is liquidated when the obligation note holder did not pay it back in time
event DefaultedLoanLiquidated(uint256 loanId);
Event that will be when the contract is deployed
event ProtocolInitialized(address obligationNotes, address lendingKeys);
Event that will be emitted every time an admin updates loan origination fee
event LoanOriginationFeeSet(uint256 loanOriginationFee);
Event that will be emitted every time an admin updates the platform wallet
event PlatformWalletSet(address platformWallet);
error ObligationNotesIsZeroAddr();
error LendingKeysIsZeroAddr();
error ERC20IsZeroAddr();
error InvalidLendingDeskId();
error CallerIsNotLendingDeskOwner();
error MinAmountIsZero();
error MaxAmountIsLessThanMin();
error MinInterestIsZero();
error MaxInterestIsLessThanMin();
error MinDurationIsZero();
error MaxDurationIsLessThanMin();
error InvalidInterest();
error InvalidNFTCollection();
error LendingDeskIsNotActive();
error InsufficientLendingDeskBalance();
error UnsupportedNFTCollection();
error AmountIsZero();
error LendingDeskIsNotFrozen();
error InvalidLoanId();
error LendingDeskIsNotEmpty();
error LoanAmountTooLow();
error LoanAmountTooHigh();
error LoanDurationTooLow();
error LoanDurationTooHigh();
error LoanIsNotActive();
error CallerIsNotBorrower();
error CallerIsNotLender();
error LoanHasNotDefaulted();
error LoanHasDefaulted();
error PlatformWalletIsZeroAddr();
error LoanMustBeActiveForMin1Hour();
error LoanPaymentExceedsDebt();
error InterestRateTooHigh();