The MagnifyCashV1 contract is a decentralized lending platform that allows users to lend and borrow against their NFT assets. This integration guide will walk you through the process of interacting with the MagnifyCashV1 contract using the Ethers.js library. You'll learn how to initialize new lending desks, set loan configurations, deposit and withdraw liquidity, and initiate new loans.
Integration Steps
This guide covers the following key functionalities:
Initializing a new lending desk
Setting new loan configs for a lending desk
Depositing liquidity into a lending desk
Withdrawing liquidity from a lending desk
Initializing a new loan
You'll need to replace the following placeholders with your actual values:
your-ethereum-node-url: The URL of your Ethereum node (e.g., Infura, Alchemy, or your own node)
your-private-key: The private key of the Ethereum account you'll be using to interact with the contract
contract-address: The address of the deployed MagnifyCashV1 contract
0x...: The addresses of the ERC20 token, NFT collection, and other contract-specific addresses
// Import the necessary Ethers.js modulesconst { ethers } =require('ethers');// Set up the provider and signerconstprovider=newethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('https://your-ethereum-node-url');constsigner=newethers.Wallet('your-private-key', provider);// Load the contract ABIconstcontractABI= [// Contract ABI goes here];// Create the contract instanceconstcontract=newethers.Contract('contract-address', contractABI, signer);// Example usage: Initialize a new lending deskconsterc20='0x...'; // Address of the ERC20 token to be usedconstdepositAmount=ethers.utils.parseEther('1000'); // Initial balance of the lending deskconstloanConfigs= [ { nftCollection:'0x...',// Address of the NFT collection minAmount:ethers.utils.parseEther('0.1'),// Minimum loan amount maxAmount:ethers.utils.parseEther('1'),// Maximum loan amount minInterest:500,// Minimum interest rate (in basis points) maxInterest:2000,// Maximum interest rate (in basis points) minDuration:24,// Minimum loan duration (in hours) maxDuration:720// Maximum loan duration (in hours) }];asyncfunctioninitializeNewLendingDesk() {try {consttx=awaitcontract.initializeNewLendingDesk(erc20, depositAmount, loanConfigs);awaittx.wait(); // Wait for the transaction to be minedconsole.log('New lending desk initialized'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error initializing new lending desk:', error); }}// Example usage: Set new loan configs for a lending deskconstlendingDeskId=1;constnewLoanConfigs= [// New loan config details];asyncfunctionsetLendingDeskLoanConfigs() {try {consttx=awaitcontract.setLendingDeskLoanConfigs(lendingDeskId, newLoanConfigs);awaittx.wait(); // Wait for the transaction to be minedconsole.log('Lending desk loan configs updated'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error updating lending desk loan configs:', error); }}// Example usage: Deposit liquidity into a lending deskconstlendingDeskId=1;constdepositAmount=ethers.utils.parseEther('100');asyncfunctiondepositLendingDeskLiquidity() {try {consttx=awaitcontract.depositLendingDeskLiquidity(lendingDeskId, depositAmount);awaittx.wait(); // Wait for the transaction to be minedconsole.log('Liquidity deposited into lending desk'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error depositing liquidity into lending desk:', error); }}// Example usage: Withdraw liquidity from a lending deskconstlendingDeskId=1;constwithdrawalAmount=ethers.utils.parseEther('50');asyncfunctionwithdrawLendingDeskLiquidity() {try {consttx=awaitcontract.withdrawLendingDeskLiquidity(lendingDeskId, withdrawalAmount);awaittx.wait(); // Wait for the transaction to be minedconsole.log('Liquidity withdrawn from lending desk'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error withdrawing liquidity from lending desk:', error); }}// Example usage: Initialize a new loanconstlendingDeskId=1;constnftCollection='0x...'; // Address of the NFT collectionconstnftId=123; // ID of the NFT to be used as collateralconstloanAmount=ethers.utils.parseEther('0.5');constloanDuration=72; // Duration in hoursconstmaxInterestAllowed=1500; // Maximum interest rate (in basis points)asyncfunctioninitializeNewLoan() {try {consttx=awaitcontract.initializeNewLoan( lendingDeskId, nftCollection, nftId, loanDuration, loanAmount, maxInterestAllowed );awaittx.wait(); // Wait for the transaction to be minedconsole.log('New loan initialized'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error initializing new loan:', error); }}