The Magnify Foundation

Magnify Cash is governed by The Magnify Foundation, a non-profit organization on a mission to drive innovation around Decentralized Credit Markets (DCMs) and the DeFi industry as a whole.

MAG Token

The MAG token is the official protocol token of Magnify Cash. The Magnify Foundation is the steward of MAG, an ERC-20 token which will contribute to the growth of the Magnify ecosystem and enable a fair governance model for decision-making within the ecosystem.


In-depth tokenomics, including airdrop mechanics, allocation breakdowns and a release schedule, for the MAG token will be released in the coming weeks. MAG tokenomics will be modeled off of previously successful token launches—specifically those of Uniswap (UNI) and Blur (BLUR).

Ecosystem Grants

The Magnify Foundation will encourage innovation and acceleration in DeFi through a series of grants, workshops and other resources. Initiatives by The Magnify Foundation will be focused on supporting developers, liquidity providers, and creators that are building on top of and/or alongside the Magnify ecosystem.

More info regarding Magnify ecosystem grants will be released in the future.

Last updated