Testnet Documentation

Magnify Cash Testnet Documentation

Welcome to the Magnify Cash Testnet Documentation, where you can explore the features and functionalities of our platform for decentralized lending and borrowing.

Getting Started

Adding Base Sepolia Testnet to Your Wallet

If you do not already have Base Sepolia Testnet in your wallet's network list, then you can follow this guide to add it.

Get Testnet Tokens

To begin testing our platform, you'll need testnet tokens. Please use this faucet to receive your testnet tokens.

Testnet Contracts

Here are the contracts for various assets on our testnet:

Fungible Testnet Tokens:

Non-Fungible Testnet Tokens:

Testnet Steps

Create a Lending Desk

Follow these steps to create a lending desk on the Magnify Cash Testnet:

  1. Open the Magnify Cash Testnet Dapp here.

  2. Navigate to the menu and click on “Create Lending Desk”.

  3. Choose the currency by pasting the contract address for a base sepolia fungible token to be used as a lending currency.

  4. Select the NFT collection by pasting the contract address for a base sepolia non-fungible token to be used as borrowing collateral.

  5. Set parameters such as Min/Max Offer, Min/Max Duration, and Min/Max Interest Rate.

  6. Add the lending parameters for the NFT collection to the desk by clicking “Add to Desk”.

  7. Fund the lending desk by adding the selected lending currency to the pool.

  8. Grant permission for the token by checking the box and signing a wallet transaction.

  9. Finalize the lending desk creation by clicking “Create Lending Desk”.

Borrow Against an NFT

Here's how to borrow against an NFT on the Magnify Cash Testnet:

  1. Open the Magnify.Cash Testnet Dapp here.

  2. Navigate to the menu and click on “Quick Loan”.

  3. Choose the NFT collection and the currency for the loan.

  4. Select an offer and adjust the preferred loan terms.

  5. Grant permission for the NFT by checking the box and signing a wallet transaction.

  6. Finalize the loan request by clicking “Request Loan”.

Manage Lending Desk

Manage your lending desk on the Magnify Cash Testnet with these steps:

  1. Open the Magnify Cash Testnet Dapp here.

  2. Navigate to the menu and click on “Manage Lending Desks”.

  3. Find a lending desk and click “Edit” to manage it.

  4. Add funds or withdraw funds from the desk as needed.

  5. Freeze a lending desk to pause loan execution.

  6. Update parameters for collections on the desk by clicking on the notepad icon.

Now you're ready to explore and test the features of Magnify Cash on our testnet. Happy lending and borrowing!

Last updated